I am 20 weeks along and am feeling great (typical of the 2nd trimester). I love that this part of my pregnancy also happens to fall during a beautiful time to be in Arizona, as it is usually between 60 and 75 degrees during the day.

I had my much anticipated ultrasound this week and was thrilled to learn that our little boy seems to be doing just fine in there. I knew he had defiantly developed his limbs as I have been receiving little jabs as a notification of his presence for about a month now.
(he is laying on his left side, so you can most easily identify his right eye,
nose and the outline of the right side of his face)
Annabelle really seems to be understanding what is going on. She has talked about the baby for a while and is interested in looking at those in vitro photos of what the baby looks like at different ages. For months before the ultrasound she would say "It could be a boy, but I think it is a sister". But she was a champ as the ultrasound technician told us that it was a boy. Her main responses yesterday were "I'm still happy" and "He can be the prince and then when he gets bigger he can be a monster". I'm glad she has been able to find a place in her life for a brother :)
I am so thrilled and elated to be pregnant. I feel like the last several months have just flown by and that he will be arriving just as quick. I am excited to have this little guy join our family. I love him so much already, I guess motherhood can create some pretty strong bonds. I feel like having a boy will be a new adventure and I am up for it!
Honestly, I can't see anything in that ultrasound. You're gonnna have to point it all out to me:)
Congratulations Tia! I didn't know you were pregnant, and I think that's awesome! In case you're wondering who this is, it's Jolena Jones from Colorado Springs. Mike and I were in the same ward. I just got married, so my new last name is Ashman. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
Hey Tia, I didn't know you were exptecting, but that is really exciting.
That is awesome! Congrats you guys! Sorry I didn't notice it before, I don't think I keep up with most blogs. :-( Anyway, he is going to be one cute baby and I can totally see Annabelle mothering him. Are we to expect a baby bump picture on the blog any time soon?
that's so exciting! i'm glad things are going so well and that you're feeling good. you'll have so much fun with a little boy (we sure love ours!). i hope everything else goes just as smoothly. congratulations!
I was just going to send you a message to ask when we get to see bump pics then i thought hmm i havent checked to see if the blog was updated! that is a really great ultrasound pic!
yeah! my guess was right. Tell Anna she is in for a treat. He will be her monster in more ways than one. Can't wait for your visit.
Fantastic news tia. We are both having a wee boy! I am glad you are feeling so well and that your little fellow is so active. Hooray for healthy babies.
Boys are an adventure...but you will make an awesome boy-mom! And you already seem to have mastered the girl-mom thing! I'm so glad this pregnancy is treating you well!
Congratulations, Tia, that's awesome! Annabelle will be such a cute big sister for him :).
This is SO exciting and I am so happy for you!! A boy will be a great addition to the family : Love you!!
Congratulations!!! We are so happy for you guys! Boys are SO fun! I hope your pregnancy has been going well, and we're excited to follow you through the rest of it. Congrats again!
i have waited to congratulate you on here until i saw an announcement. so...CONGRATULATIONS! i am so so thrilled for you. you are such an amazing mother...and a boy i bet Mike is excited. so fun. When is the due date?
Yea, hurray, hurrah, we are sooooo excited about a son for you two! We love you both and Annabelle and our little grandson so much!
Yay for a little Boy! I am so happy for you!!
Cute cute cute. I love your family. Glad to be related!!
♥☺♥Congratulations to all of you!! How exciting!!♥☺♥
Cool Beans! A boy to carry on that awesome Sherwood name! I can't wait to see a little blond curly headed boy just as cute as Annabelle! Brandon and Megan are expecting again as well. Their due date is September 11.
I am so happy for you! This will be fun to track together! I am glad to hear everything is going well too! Keep us all posted!
Congrats! I had no idea, but i was wondering when you would bring another one into the world... being that annabelle is so cute, it would be a shame not to have many many more. Can't wait to see what he turns out to be like.
Congratulations Tia! I'm so happy for the both of you. Glad to hear that Annabelle has her brothers roles down. Love it.
oh my heck, totally excited for you guys! Having a boy is soo much fun! You'll definitely have to keep us updated with pics!
Awesome... Way to go Mike and Tia!
congrats tia, i hope you have a little Kenyon because i think i have a little annabelle. i love having one of each.
Just a random thought, today I found my mom was keeping a secret on how to make cinnamon bun messier. You need to add about a half a cup of corn syrup to the bottom of the pan (or just covering the bottom) and then put the dough in the pan. The more stick you like it the more corn syrup you need. They are that much better doing it that way.
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