For some reason I haven't been able to make posting much of a priority these days. Almost every evening I think I'll sit down and update my blog . . . but somehow something else comes up. So . . . here is a list of the 25 things I SHOULD have posted by now:
1) Annabelle caught her first fish, with my dad in Colorado.
2) Asa started eating foods. His favorite so far is sweet potatoes.
3) The kids dressed up as bugs for Halloween this year. Well I guess technically a spider isn't a bug, but you get the idea.
4) Asa started sitting up really well and passing toys from on hand to another.
5) I made homemade pumpkin pie again this year. Except I used pie pumpkins. Never again. The shells were really really hard to cut through. Next year I'll grab a jack-o-lantern before they sell out.
6) We closed on a house. Whoo-hoo! We are officially homeowners.
7) The weather finally started cooling down here. I am really looking forward to the next couple of months of playing outside and going for walks. Asa seems to like stroller rides a lot.
8) Annabelle got school pictures taken. She looks adorable. I am launched into feeling closer to 30 than 20. Which is technically true as well!

9) We painted the first level of our house, I really wanted to do the upstairs as well, but we closed a week later than I thought, so I had to prioritize . . .
10) I started having fun walking through home improvement stores. A strange new experience.
11) My mom, Nona, Jake and my Dad came to help us with the move. Their trip involved sleeping on air mattresses in our hot apartment, listening to my neighbors party, my kids cry at night, catching our colds and then waking up to scrub our new house (which unfortunately was pretty dirty). We could have never done it without them. Seriously, I think I would have had some kind of break down. They saved me. Thank you.
12) We skipped the traditional Thanksgiving meal this year, as we had moved into the house the day before and went out for Mexican. Oops! It doesn't mean we weren't grateful, just tired.
13) Asa now has two toofers. He cut his firth tooth on Thanksgiving Day. Super cute, but also very sharp. Ouch!
14) We started cleaning up the backyard. I think it will be fun. I asked Santa for a hedge trimmer thing this year. Yes, power tools!

15) We started cleaning out the garage. I have tons of baby girl clothes that someone left in there. Any takers? They are in really good condition.
16) I like our new ward.
17) I miss our old ward too.
18) We bought a crib. Sounds like odd timing right? Well Asa didn't seem to like sleeping in the pack and play. We never had a crib for Annabelle. Sorry no pictures yet, but it is just a regular crib, just use your imagination :)
19) We decided to forgo a Christmas tree this year (hey, don't judge, we already skipped out on Thanksgiving) and I bought a really pretty garland that we hung our favorite ornaments on. Yeah, no pictures of that yet either. . .
20) Asa wants to crawl. So far he is up on his hands and knees a lot and then melts down to the ground. I can't blame him, the chub was over 19 lbs and his 6 month check up. It might take a while to build up the muscles he'll need.
21) I decided I wanted to decorate our living room with aqua, burnt orange and a nicer than lime green. Doesn't sounds as good typed up, maybe once I actually get some decorating done I'll put up some pictures of it. What do you think of that color scheme?
22) Annabelle made a gingerbread house at school. Mike took off of work for a little while to go help her. She loved it. And I love that she lets me snitch candy off of it.
23) I have made 2 types of fudge, cream puffs, chocolate ginger bread cookies, cornmeal sandwich cookies and a cheese ball so far this month. And Mike has been making dinner! Ha ha, I guess sometimes I just have to prioritize.
24) I might be ready for Christmas, maybe. The last 3 weeks have really flown. I can't believe Christmas is really this week. How wonderful!
25) Merry Christmas friend and family! (or whoever might still be looking at this poor neglected blog!) I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas :)
Haha! Thanks for all the updates, yeah I don't blame you, you've been BUSY! But thanks for letting us know you're alive. As for spiders, I think they are bugs, and we get plenty of them wolf spiders down here, yuck! I'm excited for your new house. Mexican food for Thanksgiving sounds great, we went on a temple trip during Thanksgiving week when I was little and my dad happened to find some fried turkey legs, that was it. By the way, I read in Sara's blog that Benny plans to marry Annabelle, that would be awesome if it did happen. :-)
Well, hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
How fun to see an update! Congrats on the house! I think the colors for the living room sound great--I'm in love with blue and orange right now. (And I'd love to see pictures once you finish!) Asa is officially as big as (if not bigger) than Tucker. Crazy! Hope your holidays go well. Thanks for the update!
we went to dennys for thanksgiving dinner since matt was busy replacing the electrics we couldnt cook! miss you!
Loved hearing what you're up to. You sure have cute kids. What exciting changes with a house and the holidays!
26) Christmas in Colorado; family, ski lessons for Annabelle, snowboarding, sledding, good food, too many treats, spoiled children, at least one Ticket to Ride game, cousins to play with, 4 happy grandparents.
wow what a post! i've been dying to hear all about the new house/see pics! the color scheme sounds GREAT to me! we also have a fun green with burnt orange in our living room...and the filing cabinet is aqua-ish, hehe. you have good taste :) v still has NO teeth and is not crawling. but i'm sure she will start soon. i can't believe with how busy you are you've baked so much! i'm doing my first baking of the season as we speak...and looking at blogs while the dough rises! can't wait to see you guys this week!!
The kids look beautiful. Hope your ready for a camping trip this summer! Thanks for posting, but we have checked it a few times just so Benny could watch Anna reading her book. He wants to post one now. We are working on a fun one. Maybe I will put it up soon.
thanks for the update! I can't wait to see more pics of your new house! That is so so exciting! Happy Holidays! :)
p.s. like baby girl clothes or toddler? haha. How cute are they? lol
Cute pictures. We miss seeing you guys, but it looks like you are having fun and staying super busy!
Getting big so fast! Where is your new house? Annabell is sure cute in her school photo! Miss chatting with you, drop an email or call if you get the time.
Tia! I love this post! I also saw your comment on my blog and I'm here until Sunday afternoon - let me know when you get into town on Saturday, maybe we can meet up!
THat is a lot to have happen in such a short amount of time. I can't believe Asa already cut a tooth. Zac seems no where close! Keep us posted!
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