We have made it to Arizona, unpacked and moved right in. We are renting an apartment here in the greater Phoenix area and really really appreciating the air conditioning! It has been such an easy move with no real hiccups. Our movers delivered the goods, everything was in the same condition as went we saw it last (except our dvd player, which was quitting on us in Utah and seems to be rejuvenated by the Arizona sun). I have really appreciated having Mike around to help us settle in. We are now exploring the idea of some little day jaunts to help us soak up the rest of the time before Mike begins his job. Most of these will need to be indoors however because it is over 100 degrees a good portion of the day and we haven't quite adapted to the heat.

These are some of my favorite little pieces of our new home:
Fancy bathroom fixtures, fancy blinds, cute night lights and a washer and dryer
Before the movers came we lived in the apartment for a few days and Annabelle helped me with our first loads of laundry. She then proceeded to 'play laundry' for the next few days. I did laundry again yesterday and Annabelle forgot about this little in-home-luxury, so when I asked her to help me with the laundry she ran to the door and put on her shoes . . . I think we'll eventually get used to it!
Here are some of my favorite spaces:
Craft Corner in the Master Bedroom (thank you Mike). TWO bathrooms, I don't know what to do with all the space. New kitchen counters, fixtures, appliances, floors and cupboard faces! A dinning area that is NOT over carpet. And finally and an area I owe to Keri Anne (my good friend who lived below me in Provo) who came up with the idea, a reading nook! Now I just need to start a new book, any suggestions?
We have met a few of our neighbors and attended our new ward twice. Our new ward is very welcoming just like any regular family ward except that there seems to be several more young couples than usual, which is great for us! Annabelle thoroughly enjoyed attending nursery our first week (she hadn't really seen toys in a week) and she gave her version of her life history to the nursery leader, when I picked her up the nursery leader told me: which states all of our relatives lived in, that pineapple gives Anna diaper rash and what kids attended nursery in our previous ward.
We're excited to be here "in the real world" and are grateful with how smoothly the whole process has gone.
how exciting! i'm glad the move went so smoothly for you. it gives me hope for ours. looks like you're in a great place. enjoy!
looks great! and looks like you guys are having a good time too! we Miss you! Emma has written a letter to Annabelle so we will have to get your address
I definetly love your house! Isn't it nice to have space? Our bedrooms here are too small for a craft corner.. but I LOVE the idea, looks very handy! They really have thing looking nice there! I am gald you found a place that you love, and a great ward. Soehow those thigs make a big difference! ohy by the way, that frist picture is dang awesome! you shuld definetly enter it into some sort ofa n art show.. bet you would win big! love you!
ps.. I love your new blog set up, and yoru kitchen looks fancy, and I like your reading nook and I love that yo ucall it a nook.
The Apt. looks beautiful! We're so happy for you guys! Best of luck with unpacking!
Your new place looks so nice, especially for an apartment. I can't believe they give you such fancy bathroom fixtures and I'm seriously jealous of the blinds. Ours are so cheap, I've broken them twice already. We're glad you're getting settled, can't wait to hear more about your new adventure.
you beat me to a washer and dryer!! i have to wait untill sep. for mine!!!
looks better then wymount, i love it.
Moving stinks! Edward and I finally found the floor last weekend... You're place looks fantastic though. Arizona seems to be the perfect place for you guys. Hooray for jobs, craft and reading nooks, recreational opportunities and the ward...
Boo to the temperature.
Tia...this is a sweeet apartment. It looks so nice. I love it. It's beautiful and making me want to leave wymount right now. that picture with all the paper is the cutest thing i have ever seen. miss you guys! i am glad you are liking AZ
I see Mike shaved off his "worldly beard" ... LOL! Probably because it is so dang hot there, huh?
your guys' place is AWESOME!!!! and i love the new look of the blog! i have a suggestion for a book...if you and mike like to read together. alma and i are reading our very first book together for pleasure (besides the scriptures of course :) we're reading "touch the top of the world" about a man that climbed everest blind...and it's really good!! we hope to visit sometime and get to experience the fancy place you call home. miss you!!
I love that Annabelle introduced herself to the new ward by announcing that pineapple gives her diaper rash. That is vital!
And how exciting to have a new, nice place. I don't see cinderblock walls anywhere!
I just read Ender's Game this week. It was a neat science fiction type book. I'm about to read The Host, by Stephenie Meyer, but I haven't finished my homework yet. :)
Your new place looks so nice! We're so happy for you guys!
Washer and Dryer! YEah! Doesn't it feel so amazing to have one! Love the new place and miss you a TON! Sorry I haven't blogged about you leaving, I guess I better since everyone else is! It just goes to show you how many people love and miss you guys!
Looks nice! We would love to get together. Call us 801-717-6183.
I LOVE 2 good things...it's such a good idea! And great minds definitely think alike as I was also an Aspen tree...(mostly because they're pasty white :)
Cool! You moved to Phoenix--that's where my new-fangled husband is from! We just started a blog and I'm getting connected. Your new place looks great!
Hey Tia! Love your new place. Somewhat of an improvement on wymount! It looks like you guys had some great adventures before heading to Arizona.
In response to your comment about Jack and the cake...he didn't like it...haha...so we have no post cake eating pic. He only likes ice cream..and boy does he love it!
We are still staying with my in-laws at the moment and should be starting to look for a place of our own soon after Ryan has taken the Bar at the end of this month. Everything is going well though and we love Oregon.
Hope you guys are loving life in Arizona.
Love Leighx
hey! thanks for the title info.. I love it! I downloaded it, and hae no idea what to do with it now. It down laoded in three parts. She sad that it is easy to customize and just to do it like any other zipped file. I don't know what that means, do you? It would be so fun to use it!
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