Monday, September 10, 2007

Geyser in Provo

Old Faithful? Not quite. We turned the corner of our quad this afternoon to find a 40 foot geyser. Apparently a water main burst - causing an improv to neighborhood block party! Well we certainly enjoyed it. One last water fight of the summer I guess (since we can't go to the pool anymore). After a little over an hour they got the water turned off. Rumor was that along with us the MTC didn't have water for a while this evening - I wouldn't want to have to handle that situation.


Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

I apparently missed this one. Bummer.

So I totally miss you, person that looks pretty much like me but with more hair.

I need to hang out with you one of these days... what's your schedule like?



Mike and Tia Fam said...

Hey girl,
I am sooo bummed I missed you. I really don't have much going on. No escuela to speak of. I hear you're around for a few weeks.
Give me a ring when you're free.
love ya!

alma and nicole smith said...

thats crazy! annabelle is so funny pushing her little baby around. i want to be a mom that has time to take jagger to the park, library, etc. ill have to see what i can do.