Thursday, September 20, 2007

Guster Concert

Well I know it was a school night and everything but I felt like Mike deserved a suprise kidnapping. So last night I told him I would drive him to work but instead we went to the Guster Concert! It was a blast! When I pulled up to the ATM to get cash he hadn't quite caught on that we weren't going to work, but he was feeling somewhat anxious that I was wasting time and was going to make him late - so at one point he said in a very calm voice "Well then Tia you are just going to have to get out and walk home because I have got to go to work" We were only a few blocks from home mind you. At that point I started laughing so hard I couldn't hardly figure out how to work the drive-thru ATM. I announced that he wouldn't be going to work, he reponded "Well did you at least tell my work that I'm not going?" After hearing that work wasn't expecting him he begain to relax and realized that I had plans and wasn't just making him late. It was great - we were about 4 people back from the stage and I've never felt older in my life (being surrounded by high schoolers and college freshman) but it was great. Who allows their teenager go to a concert downtown on a school night anyway?


alma and nicole smith said...

awesome tia!! i need to come up with something cool like that to do for alma. sounds like you guys had a great time!

jake rocks said...

hay im lisnin to them right now!!!!
I SPY!!!